Lifestar Introduction
Lifestar is a health restoration and recovery business founded in February 1987.
Lifestar is the name chosen to represent our endeavor to live as Natural as possible within Natures Wise design and to share. It is a constant challenge and not without its effort. We include all of the “The Body, the Mind and the Spirit” that we can be aware of in the moment.
We have been working at this for more than 30 years and we are not finished. We are further along, then when we started in San Francisco.
This document represents our approach to the subject called Cancer. It is not the only subject we work with.
Our approach is not exclusive. Respectively, it is not for everyone in their present time and what they have learned, how they think and what they presently believe. For those who can relate to the information that we place before you in this document, we invite you to continue with your reading of this treatise, this work we are sharing.
If you are ready and willing to accept what follows, you may be somewhat surprised or even astounded by the results you produce for yourself.
Your healing includes more than the subject called Cancer.
It includes the opportunity to transform your experience of yourself and begin to understand why you are here, sharing your being human.
Ultimately, Lifestar’s purpose is consistent with that of A Course in Miracles:
To Remove the Obstacles to the Awareness of Love’s Presence.